Student Engagement

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At the Ginsberg Center, we support students and student organizations in creating positive social change through multiple forms of community engagement. Our team provides advising and project consultation, facilitates training and workshops, and makes connections with campus and community partners. Individual students can also join one of our sponsored Ginsberg Center programs.

To work with a Ginsberg team member on any of these areas, please complete this Support Request form and someone from our team will contact you shortly.

Subscribe to our Student Opportunities Newsletter to receive information on current volunteer opportunities, events, program applications, and more! 

Get Started!

  1. Create a profile on Connect2Community, our searchable databased of local service opportunities
  2. Join a Service-Focused, Service-Learning, or Activism-Based Student Organization
  3. Join a Ginsberg Center program!
  4. Register to Vote
  5. Take a look at other Engagement Opportunities on Campus
Column 2

What Pathways are you on to create social change?


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