Scott is interested in the role information tools play in building community and civic engagement. As the Assistant Director of Civic Engagement, he builds partnerships with cities, and connects our students with them to create information tools, services, and systems that support 21st-century citizenship. He leads co-curricular opportunities like CUTgroup, National Day of Civic Hacking, and other programs with partner cities. Scott is also a lecturer, instructing project-oriented courses such as SI538: Citizen Interaction Design and SI350: UX Field Research In the Public Sector, and the BSI Capstone courses. He can help students to build experience and apply their emerging skills to the challenges facing cities and connect them with the people who want to improve their communities. Scott believes that information skills are important beyond your career goals; you can apply them to improve your, neighborhood, community, and world. Scott has a Master's Degree in Urban Planning and 15 years of experience collaborating with government and nonprofit organizations. He enjoys riding his bike, camping, board games, and loves traveling the world, but always returns to the Great Lakes state.