Staff Spotlight: Jessica Kane

Our Staff Spotlight this week is Jessica Kane. Jessica is the Academic Partnerships Manager at the Ginsberg Center.


What is your educational/professional background in?

I received my Ph.D in English from Michigan State University. My research focuses on eighteenth-century global Anglophone literature, and particularly the ways that authors played with genre conventions to tell the stories of historically-marginalized people. Before Ginsberg I worked at Albion College, first as the Associate Director for Community-Based Learning, and then as a Visiting Assistant Professor of English.


What is your job function at the Ginsberg Center?

I'm on the Academic Partnerships team, so I create faculty development resources and classroom-based workshop curriculum, manage the wonderful Graduate Academic Liaisons, and consult with academic partners about community engagement.


What's the biggest thing you're looking forward to in regards to working at the Ginsberg Center?

I'm looking forward to working for social justice with such friendly and fantastic colleagues!


What are your social change interests in your personal life?

I'm involved with anti-racist, queer, and feminist spaces and groups. I volunteer with a community garden that provides thousands of pounds of produce for the community every year, and also spent a number of years as a survivor advocate with the MSU Center for Survivors.


What are your favorite things to do outside of work?

Read, swim, and take my dogs out for walks.