M-LEAD: Collaborating to Foster Student Leadership

A few years ago, M-LEAD was a small committee exploring how U-M could support and enhance leadership development on a decentralized campus. Today, it is a collective impact strategy with a slew of resources and initiatives designed to make student leadership development accessible and impactful. “We want all students to be able to access leadership learning, training and development so that they have the skills to lead social change,” said Steve Bodei, Associate Director at M-LEAD.

M-LEAD’s work is co-sponsored by the Ginsberg Center, the Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs (led by Nadia Bazzy), and the Center for Campus Involvement (led by Nick Smith). Approaching leadership through a collective impact lens means that Steve, Neeraja, Nadia, and Nick work with an Action Team of leadership educators in Student Life to align existing and emerging leadership education efforts across the university. They ensure that students can find leadership opportunities on a centralized page on the M-LEAD website, promote leadership initiatives and programming, and consult with units across the University looking to develop or improve their leadership offerings. You can read more about M-LEAD’s approach to collective impact on their website

On the M-LEAD website, students can find not only listings of all leadership education opportunities, but also resources for developing a core set of leadership competencies that includes communication, organizational development, and reflection. M-LEAD offers articles, talks, and worksheets related to each competency and its relevance to various career paths. Their website also hosts the Break Away podcast series, which interviews students and staff from diverse backgrounds to explore the challenges that leaders face today in developing healthy habits that fuel the mind and body. In partnership with the Barger Leadership Institute, M-LEAD also offers students the opportunity to complete the Leadership Certificate. Students complete coursework, co-curricular experiences, and development experiences (in community service, student employment, or student organizations) that build their leadership skills in a mentor-supported cohort setting.

This year, M-LEAD plans to offer more one-on-one leadership coaching. The Impact Initiative–recently recognized by the Association of College Unions International’s Excellence in Student Training Programs Award–exemplifies this new focus. This program provides training and support for supervisors to engage their student employees in reflective practices that enhance leadership development and career readiness. The Impact Initiative currently helps over 100 students grow in key leadership competencies through regularly scheduled coaching sessions with their supervisors.

Steve Bodei noted that M-LEAD’s approach to leadership closely aligns with Ginsberg’s approach to community engagement. “We want to help students understand what their role might be, and how context, environment, and identity play into how they might live out leadership. We work to center whatever community a student might be working with, even just the campus community,  so that students don't go in thinking that leadership is about taking charge and telling people what to do.” M-LEAD aims to help students understand how the complexity of communities, groups, and teams should inflect their approach to leadership. Making sure that leadership is not only accessible, but also deeply engaged with and supportive towards diverse perspectives and collaborative thinking, is critical to M-LEAD’s strategy.

Please visit the M-LEAD website to learn more about upcoming leadership development events and opportunities!