Ginsberg Center 2022 Annual Report

Ginsberg Center 2022 Annual Report

Our 2022 Annual Report is available as a PDF here

Ginsberg Annual Report 2022 – Text Only


Graphics: Thes word Ginsberg Center appears horizaontally at the left hand margin. The words Annual Report appear beneath. Beneath the words is a row of arrows pointing to the right purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, with the number 2022 below the row of arrows. 


From the Director

Dear Friends & Partners,

While I have not yet completed my first full year as Director, I’m grateful for the opportunity to reflect back and look forward. This past year has been a time of transition, learning, and healing, as we continue to understand how best to address the lingering impacts of the pandemic and racial and economic injustice. 

This report shares data and stories from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022, the past fiscal year. We explored new ways of engaging with our stakeholders and continued to deepen our connections with U-M and community partners. We pivoted our efforts to address the priorities of community partners, faculty, staff, and students, as evidenced by our K-12 partnerships work. In the year ahead, we will continue to leverage our shared expertise to facilitate equitable university-community partnerships, like Lisa DuRussel’s work with Bailey Park Neighborhood Development Corporation, and Fatima Salman’s work with Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency.  

We bid farewell to several staff members and are deeply appreciative of their thoughtful contributions, and hope they will take good memories and learning from Ginsberg with them. We also welcomed several new staff onto the Ginsberg team, and we’re excited to see how we continue to adapt to and learn from each other in the year ahead. 

We are incredibly grateful for Bill and Inger Ginsberg’s generosity, as we prepare to move into a temporary space in anticipation of the Center’s new building in a few years. Regardless of our location, our commitment to U-M’s mission to develop leaders and citizens who will challenge the future to enrich the present remains steadfast.   

In Partnership,

Neeraja Aravamudan, PhD


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Our Mission

The Ginsberg Center’s mission is to cultivate and steward equitable partnerships between communities and the University of Michigan in order to advance social change for the public good. Based upon this mission, our vision is for inclusive democracy; thriving, diverse communities; and equity and social justice.

We accomplish this through a three-pronged approach:

  1. Empowering students to engage in positive change through social justice education, leadership development, and meaningful civic and community engagement experiences.

  2. Supporting faculty and academic program staff efforts to connect socially just civic and community engagement experiences to coursework, research, and programs.

  3. Connecting community organizations with students, faculty, and staff who are invested in positive social change.


Image: Ginsberg staff


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Our Principles


What we do matters. How we do it matters too.

Our principles guide our work.

Centering on equity

Our students, faculty and staff, and community partners all share their interests, goals, and expectations.

Moving from individual to collective action

We bring together parties with shared interests to amplify positive community impact.

Starting with community 

We match community-identified priorities with U-M resources.

Acknowledging power

Our community partners are active agents with deep knowledge about their communities and practices.

Connecting learning across contexts

We support students’ integrative learning, with an emphasis on reflection.

Fostering long-term partnerships

We establish long-term relationships with our partners beyond the scope of a particular project or engagement.


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By the Numbers

Who We Served

We remain committed to supporting our students’ learning and leadership development, academic partners’ teaching and research, and our community partners’ efforts to build just and thriving communities.

The Ginsberg Center has 391 total community partners in our network.

317 of the 3361 students supported by The Ginsberg Center were engaged in our internal programs. 

The Ginsberg Center supported 313 faculty and staff from all schools and colleges across the University of Michigan.


Supporting Community Partners

Of the 391 community partners who worked with the Ginsberg Center this year, 261 participated in community-engaged projects or established long-term partnerships.

The Connect2Community volunteer portal connects University of Michigan students, staff and faculty to engagement opportunities with nonprofits, schools and other community agencies. Connect2Community is a long-standing collaborative effort of the Ginsberg Center, United Way of Washtenaw County and Eastern Michigan University. 

Graph: 51,010 total C2C views. 4,790 C2C student profiles. 375 Community Partners in C2C.

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Supporting Students

We had over 3,300 students engage with the Center this past year through our workshops, trainings, and programs. While the majority of students who engaged with us are undergraduates, we also worked with a significant number of graduate and professional students.

Pie chart: 2,118 Undergraduate students (63.02%). 1,243 Graduate and Professional (36.98%)

This past year, our campus and community partners requested more support to prepare students for their community engagement experiences. In response to this feedback, the Ginsberg Center has launched Do Good Well, a new online platform to support student orgs doing community engagement work. We know that sometimes the hardest part of being prepared is finding tangible, accessible and actionable resources. The new platform aims to consolidate tools and training from across the university (and beyond) to be more accessible and organized for student groups. 

2,264 students participated in a Ginsberg workshop. 

780 students received support and advising for their Student Organizations. 

317 students participated in a Ginsberg program.


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Academic Partnerships

We engaged 313 academic partners this past year though workshops, consultations and matchmaking with community partners. In addition, we had an opportunity to reflect on our faculty grants program.


313 faculty and staff engaged. 48 faculty and staff matched with community partners. 164 workshop attendees. 54 received personalized consultations.

Over the course of 4 years, the Ginsberg Center has awarded $312,115 to 45 university-community collaborations. Thanks to the generous support of the University of Michigan’s Office of the Provost, the Office of Research, and Poverty Solutions, we have offered a collaborative funding model encouraging -- and practicing -- collective action to increase our impact in service to the public good. Each grant focused on Washtenaw County, Detroit and other Southeast Michigan communities, utilizing both faculty and community expertise to address a range of pressing social issues such as immigration, health, housing, education, and community-building, among others. 


16 schools engaged. 528 students involved. $288,000+ additional external funding. 

Ginsberg staff worked with 94 faculty and staff from 16 schools and colleges across Ann Arbor’s main campus as well as Flint’s School of Nursing. Our grantees supported 528 students through their community engaged projects, providing relevant training and support. Seven faculty reported receiving additional grant funding from a variety of sources including but not limited to the Kresge Foundation, Department of Public Health, and Blue Cross Blue Shield to continue to develop the project they started with seed money from Ginsberg.

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The widespread upheaval and trauma we have witnessed this past year on social media timelines, in the news media, and in our own communities have called upon each of us to reflect, to respond, to act. How do we work towards a just, inclusive, and fair democratic society? How do our partners, stakeholders, communities?

The development of leaders and citizens who challenge the present to enrich the future is central to the mission of the University of Michigan. The Pathways to Civic Engagement and Community Change* describes a range of possibilities by which we can engage in and contribute to communities to further our mission and exercise our own power to create a better world.

These pathways­ intersect and overlap, demonstrating the interdependent nature of working toward the common good. There is no one single “best” path and most people move through multiple pathways over time. 

Each pathway outlines opportunities to engage from any location, in public health-informed ways. For positive social change to occur, our communities rely on all of us engaging in multiple ways, along various pathways. This positive change creates conditions, access, and opportunities for everyone to have enough of what they need to thrive, which in turn creates healthier, more vibrant, equitable, and sustainable communities.

These pathways, listed on the following page, have provided a lens and guidance for the Ginsberg Center’s work this past year and will continue to do so going forward.

*Adapted from Pathways of Public Service, in partnership with the Haas Center for Public Service, Stanford University.


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  • Policy & Governance

    • Participating in democratic political and deliberative processes, policymaking, and public governance.
  • Direct Service
    • Working to address the immediate needs of individuals or a community, often through direct interaction with the people or place being served.
  • Community Organizing & Activism
    • Involving, educating, and mobilizing individuals or groups to influence or persuade others toward attitude, policy, or cultural change.
  • Community-Engaged Learning & Research
    • Connecting coursework, academic research, and outside of the classroom experiences to community-identified concerns to enrich knowledge and inform action on social issues.
  • Philanthropy
    • Donating or raising funds and resources for nonprofits and other non-governmental organizations that engage in work that contributes to the public good.
  • Social Entrepreneurship
    • Using ethical business approaches to create or expand market-oriented responses to social or environmental problems, often with particular emphasis on addressing the needs of under-served groups.


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Ginsberg’s New Home

$10M Gift Will Establish Center’s New Home

Excerpted from the full article by Madeline Swanson

The Ginsberg Center is indebted to the Ginsberg family for first helping establish the Center in 1999. This year, to further honor his parents’ legacy of service, William and Inger Ginsberg have given $10 million to U-M’s Division of Student Life to support the construction of a brand new home for the center. On March 24, the Board of Regents approved the Edward and Rosalie Ginsberg Building name in recognition of the gift.

“My father was a Michigan graduate and was fond of the school and his experience there,” William Ginsberg said. “By making the initial donation two decades ago to name the Center for Community Service and Learning after him, and now funding the Edward and Rosalie Ginsberg Building to house it, we honor my parents by encouraging and helping others to make their own contributions to the betterment of individuals’ lives and our broader society.”

The new, 11,000-square-foot Edward and Rosalie Ginsberg Building will replace the Madelon Pound House on Ann Arbor’s central campus. The name of Madelon Pound will be honored within the new space.

The new building will provide the opportunity for increased collaboration among faculty, students, and community partners. It includes a spacious, flexible area that can accommodate large groups, as well as a resource library, student organization space, and administration areas. The new space will enable greater engagement with students and faculty, including a more robust menu of programming, training, presentations, events, and learning opportunities.

The Ginsberg Building will incorporate a geothermal exchange system to increase energy efficiency, making it among the first net-zero-ready structures on campus. Some additional sustainability features will include passive design, high-performance systems, and energy conservation elements; materials and systems with low-embodied carbon to reduce the total carbon footprint of the facility; low-flow plumbing fixtures to reduce water consumption; an open and inviting interior environment that connects occupants to the natural world; and an irrigation-free landscape with native and drought-tolerant plants. The building will serve as a replicable model of sustainable design to inspire others.

The new building will expand our capacity to offer activities that foster lifelong commitments to actively engaging with communities and reflect Edward Ginsberg’s dedication to community involvement. We are excited to share updates as the process continues and look forward to moving into the new building in 2025!

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K-12 Community of Practice 

 New Collaborative Builds Responsive Connections Beween Local Schools and U-M

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented new challenges to the community-engaged work of U-M student groups and faculty, as well as teachers and school administrators. Many U-M partners supported by Ginsberg have had to adjust alongside the schools with whom they collaborate amidst shifting health and safety guidelines, hybrid schedules and rising and falling levels of COVID risk.

This changing environment as well as the astute observations of Nancy Shore, Strategic Partnership and Volunteer Coordinator at Ann Arbor Public Schools (AAPS), has led to a more coordinated effort on U-M’s campus. Shore says that when she first began working to facilitate relationships between the university and AAPS schools, many existing partnerships “happened in isolation,” with limited sharing of resources and expertise. This inspired her to create a bridge between the university and its school-based community partners, with the help of the Ginsberg Center and the Center for Educational Outreach (CEO).

“I first worked with the Ginsberg Center to create an annual meeting of all of the U-M faculty and staff that oversaw service-learning and work-study programs with AAPS,” says Shore. “This meeting brought together professors and staff who were doing similar work but had never had a chance to share their experiences with others at the university. This meeting and the chance to collaborate across schools and programs has been extremely helpful.”

In addition to this annual meeting, a K-12 Community of Practice (CoP) has developed to improve the relationships between education-focused students groups on campus and local partners within the AAPS system.

Knowing that AAPS had links to several student groups on campus, Shore knew that finding a better way to connect with them was a priority. She took the advice of Sara Saylor, Ginsberg’s Assistant Director of Community Engagement, to connect further with CEO, which had already been cultivating similar partnerships between the Detroit Public Schools Community District and U-M student groups. This desire to replicate a similar form of collaboration between U-M and AAPS eventually led to a kickoff event bringing together U-M’s many student groups, allowing them to connect with their AAPS-based community partners in real time, explains Dyrel Johnson, Student Affairs Program Manager at CEO.

“This event allowed both CEO and Ginsberg to address student groups at once, ensuring that every organization had access to the same information and resources,” Johnson says. “This opportunity represented a win for CEO and Ginsberg. The student organizations realized the benefit of having a space for them to convene and share information, and wanted to continue to engage in opportunities to learn alongside other student organizations.”

Johnson continues to work alongside Ginsberg’s Student Outreach and Engagement Manager Brendan Gallagher to grow the student-facing portion of the CoP, utilizing their organizations’ research and expertise when consulting with student groups that wish to improve their partnerships with local schools. In the year ahead, the student CoP aims to generate campus-wide awareness, recruit new student groups and grow the community of students dedicated to supporting K-12 schools.


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Academic Partnerships

Ginsberg Match Advances Sustainability, Builds Neighborhood Connections in Detroit

When Lisa DuRussell, Assistant Professor of Practice in Landscape Architecture at the School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS), was asked to create a graduate-level, community-engaged course utilizing her professional background in 2021, she turned to the Ginsberg Center for assistance in getting connected with community partners.

Knowing that the EAS-677: Engagement for Impact course would succeed “if we introduced students to real projects, real partners, real issues,” DuRussell, who served as mentor fellow for the U-M Public Engagement Faculty Fellowship in the summer of 2021, reached out to Ginsberg Center Director Neeraja Aravamudan for guidance on finding the perfect fit.

“(Neeraja) mentioned Ginsberg’s ‘matchmaking’ process – I was immediately intrigued,” says DuRussell. “As a newer faculty member, I was interested in finding partnerships with community groups who were interested in working with the University on themes of ecology, design and engagement.”

From there, DuRussell connected with University-Community Partnerships Manager Amanda Healy – who, as she puts it, “made the magic happen”, helping to connect her course with the Bailey Park Neighborhood Development Corporation, a Detroit nonprofit serving the McDougall-Hunt neighborhood of the city by building and maintaining a new 22-acre park, among other initiatives.

“For a lot of neighborhood/community development organizations, development really means real estate and business, but that’s not all that we focus on,” says BPNDC Director of Programs Amanda Paige. “We want to make sure that the existing residents who have roots in this neighborhood are not crowded out in the name of revitalization. The people who have weathered the disinvestment in McDougall-Hunt deserve to benefit from the reinvestment in the area. Our work makes sure they have every opportunity to have a voice in what that reinvestment looks like.”

An interdisciplinary team of 20 master’s students from SEAS, as well as the Ross School of Business, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning and the School of Social Work, worked throughout the semester alongside Paige and others at BPNDC to advance sustainability knowledge through various community-engaged projects which centered around soil sampling and identification, purposeful neighborhood planning and understanding green infrastructure. These semester-long collaborations culminated in an Earth Day celebration at Bailey Park, where students and community members came together to share what they had learned.

Amanda Paige notes that a top-down approach is often present when institutions like the University of Michigan seek to collaborate with community partners, which can create frustration and miscommunication. “The students we worked with navigated that so well,” Paige says, recalling how students “met people where they were” and engaged in ways that were respectful and relatable.

The EAS-677 curriculum included work on equitable engagement and power dynamics, led by Roger B. Fisher of U-M Intergroup Relations, which helped students develop “a deeper understanding of the identities and membership groups of which they are a part of - and how power or stereotypes may accompany those identities,” says DuRussell. Additionally, she notes that Ginsberg’s principles of engagement – including recognition, respect and equitable partnership – served as a “beacon” for each class session. 

In the future, Amanda Paige of BPNDC says that the organization hopes to collaborate more with Dr. DuRussell on more citizen science and direct impact work, as well as broadening the community’s exposure to SEAS. 

DuRussell notes that EAS-677 students took away valuable knowledge: namely, a greater understanding “that community members are advocates and experts of their own space and lives.” She encourages other professors looking to teach a community-engaged course that it’s worth it, in spite of the planning and preparation they require: “Community-engaged courses have filled my own teaching pedagogy with greater purpose and meaning.”


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Academic Partnerships

Ginsberg Matchmaking, Training and Alumni Connections Help Social Work Students Make Community Change

Fatima Salman wears many hats at the University of Michigan School of Social Work (SSW): she is the Program Manager of ENGAGE: Detroit, Project Manager for the SSW Employment Equity Learning and Action Collaborative, and an Adjunct Lecturer. Her role as a lecturer began in 2021, when she was brought on to teach SSW-509: Essentials of Community and Organizational Practice – a course in which university-community partnership is central, and in which Ginsberg was able to provide multiple forms of support.

“All students (in SSW-509) were required to complete a group project that needed a community partner to work with,” says Salman. “Some students already had community partners that they previously worked with in a volunteer capacity and were able to quickly create a group project. Other students didn’t have previous access to community partners, and this was where having Ginsberg as a resource was extremely valuable.”

Ginsberg was able to connect one of the course’s student teams to Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency (OLHSA), a Community Action Agency which served over 9,700 people in 2021, according to OLHSA consultant Erica Karfonta. Karfonta happens to be a Ginsberg Center alumna, having completed her MSW fieldwork at the Center in 2020.

Karfonta speaks positively about the Ginsberg Center’s role in getting the SSW course matched with the agency, noting that the process was “fast, organized, and done with a genuine respect and empathy in meeting me and OLHSA where we were at.” 

Salman’s incorporation of a Ginsberg E3 training on entering, engaging and exiting communities into the course curriculum allowed students to reflect on principles and practices for thoughtfully engaging with communities, including motivations, impact of social identities, and strategies for engaging in reciprocal, ethical, and respectful ways. 

The students’ work in the classroom reflected in their partnership with OLHSA, where Karfonta says “(they) were proactive in reaching out to develop a relationship, build understanding of what OLHSA does, why we exist, and how we approach our work.” Once connected, the students helped to develop a streamlined process for capturing SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) and PEST (political, economic, social and technological analysis) data across the agency’s different departments in order to expedite analysis of the agency’s strategic goals and risks.

“The student developed the form to collect the data, customized the tables to display the data for strategic analysis, and prepared written instructions and a video tutorial for employees to implement the new process,” says Karfonta. “Additionally, students began researching Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) software packages to increase internal auditing, quality control, and risk management into day-to-day operations and oversight.”

The collaboration with SSW students led to the furthering of OLHSA’s strategic goals, as well as the growth of real-world knowledge of best community engagement practices for the future social workers in the course. Additionally, through the Ginsberg Center’s facilitation, instructor Fatima Salman says that she was able to feel more comfortable in her newly-found role as a lecturer. 

“(SSW-509) was my first time teaching at U of M, and I was so nervous when I learned that I needed to find community partners that my students could work with and try to create a project that satisfied the project requirements,” she says. “When I found out that Ginsberg could help me in locating community partners, that nervousness was gone.”

Images of Fatima Salman and Erica Karfonta.


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Connecting Michigan

Platform Enables Efficient, Impactful Data Sharing for University-Community Partnerships

At a university as vast and decentralized as the University of Michigan – which hosts over 40,000 students and nearly as many staff on its over 20,000 acre Ann Arbor campus – making connections and navigating community engagement resources can be challenging. 

The Connecting Michigan initiative arose out of a desire to overcome these barriers and create a coordinated, accessible, technology-enabled infrastructure for community and civic engagement interactions on campus – one that would establish a common language and shared set of data standards for organizing and recording activities with community partners.

This initiative began as a partnership between the Office of the Provost, the Office of the Vice President for Government Relations, and the Ginsberg Center, with ITS, the Center for Academic Innovation, and other key stakeholders joining along the way.

On any given day, organizations in our community receive requests from individuals affiliated with the university – requests for research, collaboration and other forms of partnership. A series of stakeholder meetings by former Ginsberg Director Mary Jo Callan revealed that when the university’s many schools, units and groups don’t communicate with one another about their community engagement initiatives, repeated, uncontextualized requests can overwhelm our community partners, damaging relationships and creating unnecessary stress and confusion.

Connecting Michigan is a response to these challenges: a data-sharing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform using Salesforce, built to track university-community relationships, manage related communication efforts and measure and report the impact of such partnerships. Ginsberg led the project work this year, which created a common data structure, laid out project and platform documentation, and created a more affordable platform, cutting the per-user license fee to a tenth of the typical cost – an aspect that makes Connecting Michigan a uniquely accessible resource.

U-M Government Relations is one of the community engagement units on campus currently utilizing Connecting Michigan to cultivate meaningful partnerships in the community. Associate Director of State Outreach LaSonia Forte connected with nonprofit social enterprise Mend on the Move, which creates jewelry from salvaged auto parts and employs survivors of domestic abuse in the Metro Detroit area. Mend spoke with Forte to communicate their request for support with inventory and supply chain management, which led her and her team to enter the request into the Connecting Michigan platform. 

Because Forte’s team was able to utilize the Connecting Michigan platform to share Mend’s information, a bridge was built to university resources – specifically those at the Ginsberg Center and in the College of Engineering. Ginsberg’s University-Community Partnerships Manager Amanda Healy utilized the input data on Connecting Michigan to match Mend with the pro bono team of INFORMS at U of M, a student group which uses “mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, mathematical optimization, and other analytical methods to find better solutions to complex decision-making problems.” 

Other early adopters of the Connecting Michigan platform include the Center for Educational Outreach, U-M Poverty Solutions and the U-M Detroit Center. If you’re interested in participating in this exciting new initiative and connecting the university’s community engagement efforts, learn more about the unit onboarding process and submit your request to join today.


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GINSBERG IS...supporting our partners in the following ways



listen to community needs & priorities

connect with University Partners

steward ongoing partnerships across U-M



connect work to priorities of community organizations

engage through meaningful service or civic engagement

support engagement through grants, advising, and transportation

educate to prepare for engagement and positive impact



connect courses and research to community-identified priorities

design courses, programs, or research to integrate community

prepare students to thoughtfully enter, engage, and exit communities

research impact of engagement on student learning


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Ginsberg Center Staff

As of June 30, 2022


Amanda Healy, University-Community Partnerships Manager

Brendan Gallagher, Student Outreach & Engagement Manager

Brianna Christy, Technical Assistance, Evaluation & Assessment Manager

Cecilia Morales, Engaged Scholarship Manager

Christina France, Youth Resources Coordinating VISTA

Danyelle J. Reynolds, Assistant Director for Student Learning and Leadership

Dave Waterhouse, Associate Director

Erin Byrnes, Lead, Democratic Engagement

Kate Livingston, Associate Director for Teaching, Research & Academic Partnerships

Katie Beasley-Sriro, Marketing & Communications Coordinator

Maria Mora, Administrative Assistant

Neeraja Aravamudan, Director

Raven Jones, America Reads & Literacy Programs Manager

Riley Wilson, Student Engagement Coordinator

Sara Saylor, Assistant Director for Community Engagement


University of Michigan Board of Regents

Jordan B. Acker, Huntington Woods

Michael J. Behm, Grand Blanc

Mark J. Bernstein, Ann Arbor

Paul W. Brown, Ann Arbor

Sarah Hubbard, Okemos

Denise Ilitch, Bingham Farms

Ron Weiser, Ann Arbor

Katherine E. White, Ann Arbor


University of Michigan Nondiscrimination Policy Statement

The University of Michigan, as an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer, complies with all applicable federal and state laws regarding nondiscrimination and affirmative action. The University of Michigan is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, religion, height, weight, or veteran status in employment, educational programs and activities, and admissions. Inquiries or complaints may be addressed to the Senior Director for Institutional Equity, and Title IX/Section 504/ADA Coordinator, Office for Institutional Equity, 2072 Administrative Services Building, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1432, 734-763-0235, TTY 734-647-1388, [email protected]. For other University of Michigan information call 734-764-1817.


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Faculty Advisory Board


Aline Cotel, College of Engineering

Bridgette Carr, Law School

Christina Weiland, School of Education

Gerald Davis, Ross School of Business

Ebbin Dotson, School of Public Health

Elisabeth Gerber, Ford School for Public Policy

Jesse Austin-Brenneman, College of Engineering

Karen Farris, College of Pharmacy

Katie Richards-Schuster, School of Social Work

Ketra Armstrong, School of Kinesiology

Lisa Kane Low, School of Nursing

Maria Arquero De Alarcon, Taubman College of Architecture 

& Urban Planning

Nick Tobier, Stamps Art School & Design

Sue Ann Savas, School of Social Work

Teresa Satterfield, College of Literature, Science & the Arts


Student Advisory Board

Benjamin Leavitt, College of Literature, Science & the Arts, ‘24

Eric Kayden, Ross School of Business, ‘22

Kelley Dugan, College of Engineering, ‘23

Shichi Dhar, College of Literature, Science & the Arts, ‘23

Elizabeth Choi, School of Kinesiology, ‘22

Kelsey Walworth, College of Literature, Science & the Arts, ‘25

Dareen Al-Qawasmeh, College of Literature, Science & the Arts, ‘22

Gayathri Santhanu, College of Literature, Science & the Arts, ‘22

James McCoy, College of Engineering, ‘24

Jenna Doll, College of Literature, Science & the Arts, ‘23

Jason Seekamp, College of Literature, Science & the Arts, ‘23

Jessica Culverhouse, College of Literature, Science & the Arts, ‘24

Kimberly Sells, College of Literature, Science & the Arts, ‘22

Seongbae Kong, College of Literature, Science & the Arts, ‘22

Lauryn Schneider, Ross School of Business, ‘22

Rhianna Womack, College of Literature, Science & the Arts, ‘22


Community Advisory Board


Anna Lemler, Liberate! Don’t Incarcerate, Coalition for Re-envisioning Our Safety (CROS), Freedom Teams

Annette Sobocinski, Child Care Network

Aryeh Perlman, Brilliant Detroit

Bryce Allmacher, Ann Arbor Housing Commission

Caitlin Koska, 826 Michigan

Carole Gibson, Another Ann Arbor, Inc.

Carrie Hammerman, NEW

Christine Crockett, Old Fourth Ward Association and Ann Arbor Historical Foundation

Dayna Benoit, Washtenaw County Health Department

Don Deatrick, Hire MI Vets

Gary Munce, Chelsea Senior Center

Linda Edwards-Brown, Community Leader

Jason Frenzel, Huron River Watershed Council & Washtenaw Area Volunteer Coordinators

Leah Tessman, Habitat for Humanity

Nancy Shore, Ann Arbor Public Schools

Taryn Gal, Michigan Organization on Adolescent Sexual Health (MOASH)

Teresa Duhl, Freedom House Detroit


In addition to our advisory boards, the Ginsberg Center would like to thank the Ginsberg family, the PNC Foundation, and our other generous donors for their financial support. Finally, we continue to be grateful to all of our campus and community partners for sharing in this work.